Piano Lessons (Monday) - 7:15pm
NS1 Private, Semi-Priv Lesson & Personal Training2025 Community Centre - Winter - 2025 Winter Thunderbird|#531869
The goal of this piano course is to help students reach their full potential - all ages are welcome, whether you are a beginner taking your first step into the world of piano or an intermediate player looking to enhance your skills.
Students will be required to have piano books, which can be purchased separately at an additional cost. Lessons are half an hour in length. No class on Feb 17.
Activity meeting dates
More Information
Registration dates
NOTE: The nature of the activity is such that you may interact with other people who are considered to be in good health, continuous physical distance between other people cannot be guaranteed, and, by participating in the activity, you are at risk of being infected by a pathogen, including but not limited to SARS-COV-2, which causes the disease COVID-19.
Communicable Disease Health & Safety Practices:
• Participants are required to comply with the current Orders of the Provincial Health Officer. For more information, please cut and paste into your web browser: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/info/restrictions
• Participants should assess themselves daily for symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other infectious respiratory disease before attending the Facility.
• Participants who are ill, including participants of essential service providers, should not attend a program or access the Community Centre. If you are unsure, you should self-isolate and contact 8-1-1 or the local public health unit.
• All participants are encouraged to practice proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette by covering coughs or sneezes.